Events & Service Registration

Donation Submittal / Event Registration

If you'd like to make a donation or register for an event that has a fee associated with it please provide the following information. If you would like to join a no fee activity or event or just contact us with a question please use the "Contact Us" button.

Liberty Village Foundation

Liberty Village Foundation

  • We are a non-profit organization and are in the process of obtaining a 501 (c) (3) designation from the IRS so we can stand by ourselves as a certified non-profit organization. Till that happens we are working under the supervision of a 501 (c) (3) sponsor who is a certified non-profit organization
  • We are a Christian/faith-based organization that is committed to living out our faith in a manner consistent with Matthew 22:39 and James  2:14-20.  Liberty Village is designed to work with other like-minded institutions to provide some relief to those who are suffering serious lack in our communities; this includes individuals as well as families.
  • Since hunger is one of the most basic needs our first program: Feeding the Hungry/Lunch in the Park tackles that problem head on.  Together with other ministries we are working hard to alleviate chronic hunger, especially among the homeless. The approach we use is a simple and very down-to-earth approach towards fulfilling a very basic need; giving something to eat to one who is hungry.
  • We accomplish this by first partnering with an existing organization, and secondly extending the effort into areas where there is a real need and a lack of capacity to serve that need.  Helping others first will allow us to understand the needs, the amount of help available, and the areas being served by the current providers so as to prevent overlapping efforts.
  • We will provide those services we have available to anyone who contacts us with a valid need regardless of who they are or where they come from.  Most people will need help at some point in their life and we are glad to be there for them.

Types of Donations Accepted

For non-financial donations such as blankets, clothing, shoes, coats, backpacks, unopened personal items, umbrellas, and other rain gear, please contact us for detailed instructions.

How Donations are Used

Financial donations will be used to purchase food items required to make the meals.  Non-financial donations may be redistributed or sold and the funds used to purchase necessary supplies.

Would you please join with us in caring for the hungry and homeless by providing a monthly pledge of $20 (or any amount of your choice)?

Volunteer Today!

Sign up to help with any of our activities by just clicking on the activity calendar. We are currently inviting anyone who would like to help us on this mission to join us. Click below to view our events and learn how you can get involved. 

Everyone deserves something to eat